Thinking of squeezing wine-making between the end of work and start of sleep. Roughly an hour. That gives me time to eat, chat with the other half, watch a little TV, freshen up. I've already washed the containers (plasticky make-believe wine barrels) and left them out to dry. I am hoping my mind will go on autopilot and I will be able to finish in good time.
I've also got a kilo of carrots I don't know what to do with. At first I thought, try the same evil pickle I used the kg of lemons for. But a friend, Vini, found out I was trying to squeeze some boiled carrots into the already-made lemon pickle. I thought it would do away with the sourness, and be the pickle of my heart... carrots and lemons doing a packed-like-sardines act. But Vini insisted I try a carrot kheer instead, which sounds simple. Oops, i just went to the local hyper-market and forgot to buy the condensed milk. let's see. i'll improvise. or not at all. really doubtful.
the other idea i had today was to use the carrots to make wine. it's sweet, i doubt it will become sour like the orange and chikoo wines did. perhaps i should try a small batch.
i was at the hyper-market to do some time pass. and someone made away with my trolley. two women... who were shocked to know they'd taken my cart. at the counter i realised they'd also kept my deodorant. so i had to grab my things off the counter, locate the deo shelf and return.
i wanted to start reading my book. but one thing led to the other. and i ended up watching the end of Law & Order and the beginning and bits of Mad Men. I hated this show at first. but now it has 'piqued' my interest. especially Ms Olsen.
I've also got a kilo of carrots I don't know what to do with. At first I thought, try the same evil pickle I used the kg of lemons for. But a friend, Vini, found out I was trying to squeeze some boiled carrots into the already-made lemon pickle. I thought it would do away with the sourness, and be the pickle of my heart... carrots and lemons doing a packed-like-sardines act. But Vini insisted I try a carrot kheer instead, which sounds simple. Oops, i just went to the local hyper-market and forgot to buy the condensed milk. let's see. i'll improvise. or not at all. really doubtful.
the other idea i had today was to use the carrots to make wine. it's sweet, i doubt it will become sour like the orange and chikoo wines did. perhaps i should try a small batch.
i was at the hyper-market to do some time pass. and someone made away with my trolley. two women... who were shocked to know they'd taken my cart. at the counter i realised they'd also kept my deodorant. so i had to grab my things off the counter, locate the deo shelf and return.
i wanted to start reading my book. but one thing led to the other. and i ended up watching the end of Law & Order and the beginning and bits of Mad Men. I hated this show at first. but now it has 'piqued' my interest. especially Ms Olsen.